Look at me! I'm cute!! Boy, do I feel cute. I even have an outfit. Dogs like me should have outfits. We weren't made to be trashcan street dogs. I love my new mommy and daddy. They named me Buddy. Magic brought me here. The magic of the Facebook angels.

This was me in the shelter. Trapped by my own fur. Even breathing hurt. Bugs lived inside. It pulled at my skin. Itched. The cold of the concrete was my only salvation. All I could do was lay still. And when I did, with my ear to the ground, I could hear something. I could hear hundreds of people typing into their computers, saying nice words about me, really nice words. Trying to save me kinds of words! Wow. It was really cool. I wanted to wiggle with joy, but it hurt.

The nice shelter lady helped free me from my fur. It hurt, but I tried to be a good boy. Then I met my new mommy and daddy!!! They took pictures of me for all my new Facebook friends to see and people actually said I was beautiful! Me? The mutt with the kicked in jaw, beautiful! Haaaa! Gots me spinning in circles. Look at my ears, and my eyes, I HAVE EYES!!!! I'm hearing things I never heard before. Seeing things I never saw. The doctor is even gonna fix my jaw so I can bark again. Oh, the dreams I have.... Thank you, nice Facebook peoples, especially my new family, Kevin and Louise.
Your new best friend,
Oh Lola....this made me cry tears of joy! What a beautiful story for a very beautiful little angel! Hugs to YOU!
ReplyDeleteThanks. He's just precious. :)))