Monday, August 15, 2011


Hiya Fwends ! WEMINDER ! ADORE A SENIOR TUES. ! Did you Adore a Senior Today?  We Fink you Should! Da peoples says I'm cute.  Fank you for da kindness.  I wuv da nice words.   I is 5 pounds big, 14 years old.  I gots mostly no teef!  I's one very happy boy.  My mommy luv me.  My mommy saved me.  I be dirty, poo-coated, wiff da parasite bugs, 'n the teeth be so black 'n stinky!  Nobody wiked me no more.  Da peoples who luved me day threw me away.  No more was I part of da family.  I crys da big tears.  Is scary out there.   Me learns to be tough.

Here is me wiff mommy kissing me.  Is happy time to get kisses by my mommy.  I forgets da bad worldz when she kisses me.  Is like being young again.  I close my eyez and me is little puppy again.

 I' AMZ DA KING OF DA WORLD ....Holy Fluff Balls I iz High Up!  Is nice to be da tallest eyez in da room.  Like I is the big one, not da little one. 

I go now.  Fank U's for reading.  I Wuff Da Rescue Peoples!  Dey saved my Life!

~Mr. Waffles

Sunday, August 7, 2011

More Than One Boy Can Comprehend...

That was me, ID#A1225658.  Ricky for short.  Creepin' Jesus!  I'm just a rag-tag little scruff, but what is wrong with the world?  I'm a frickin' dog, here to give love to anybody who talks nice to me, maybe sniff a few butts along the way.  What'd I do wrong?   My cellmate said compassion is dead.  That people are so busy rushing around and looking into their cell phones that they didn't have time to care.  Waaaaaaa???  How can you not have time to care?  Isn't that the whole purpose of BREATHING?  What's happened to the world???

That's me now.  Yeah, kinda dumbfounded here.   I'm the philosophical sort -- happens when you're born with big eyes, more space for stuff to get in, so confusions land hard.  And boy, plenty of confusions here!  I touched the dark side, a smell y'all don't wanna know.  For 39 days I was "neutered male, cream Shih Tzu, 12 pounds, 10 years old" -- 10-years-old!!  That's like dumping your frickin' grandmother!  Why???  Wasn't I part of the family too?  

New things bring new life.  Ya gotta forget past pains and move on.  Oh, if I could tell you the quixotic feeling the smell green grass brings.  That's me with Gail.  Gail is proof that some hearts will always be heart-shaped even if all of them aren't.  She's from this far away land called San Francisco.  She saw my picture on Facebook and set out to save me.  Everything was hurting -- my eyes, my ears, my teeth, my skin.  She got me medicines, gave me a bath, combed my hair nice, kissed me on the head.  And, blessed angel, she showed me green grass.  Gail says I'm 'very adoptable'.  Don't have a clue what that means, but boy, if it involves green grass, I'm in.
Ricky, the not-a-bit-a-French-in-me philosophe.  :))

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

My Name is Cosmo Kramer, ha-ha!

I'm just a little boy, 8 lbs big!  And 90-years-wise.  They found me lying on the side of the road.  I think I spent my whole life there.  When they found me I was almost dead.  I couldn't even hold myself up.  Foam filled my mouth, my fur was all clumped.  And this dizzy blur... I was just fur on the pavement marking a spot.  Cars would pass, first quiet, then screaming, then quiet again.  I liked it.  The rhythm reminded me to breathe. 

This is me and my buds, Miss Kitty and Mr. Wiggles.   We live at Colleen's house and we were instant friends, the three of us.  Colleen is a human angel.  She saved me.  I was so afraid.  People are big, and they yell.  And they will kick you in the ear if you get too close.  Yeah, I learned early on about two-legged beasts... until I met Colleen.  Oh, she was kind, with the prettiest voice, just the best-est.  Calling me good boy, rubbing my belly.  Carrying me to my bed when I was too afraid to go on my own.  And she made me look so pretty!  Except that I'm clumbsy, I'd call me elegant.   What a ways from being curb-side trash!!

Colleen said I'm ready for my fur-ever home.  Kitty 'n Wiggles, they told me all about what its like.  I'll have my very own family!  I just know there's someone special out there that needs me by their side.  I hope I get to play with children.  Boy would that be fun.  Or a sweet lonely person to pal around with, because boy do I know lonely!  I'm sure glad Colleen found me and washed away my fear.  How awful it would'a been to go to rainbow bridge afraid of something so completely lovely as a person's love.

Wish me luck!

Your friend,

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

I Found the Foot of a Rainbow

Look at me!  I'm cute!!  Boy, do I feel cute.  I even have an outfit.  Dogs like me should have outfits.  We weren't made to be trashcan street dogs.   I love my new mommy and daddy.  They named me Buddy.   Magic brought me here.  The magic of the Facebook angels.

This was me in the shelter.  Trapped by my own fur.  Even breathing hurt.  Bugs lived inside.  It pulled at my skin.  Itched.  The cold of the concrete was my only salvation.  All I could do was lay still.  And when I did, with my ear to the ground, I could hear something.  I could hear hundreds of people typing into their computers, saying nice words about me, really nice words.  Trying to save me kinds of words!  Wow.   It was really cool.  I wanted to wiggle with joy, but it hurt.

The nice shelter lady helped free me from my fur.  It hurt, but I tried to be a good boy.  Then I met my new mommy and daddy!!!  They took pictures of me for all my new Facebook friends to see and people actually said I was beautiful!  Me?  The mutt with the kicked in jaw, beautiful!  Haaaa!  Gots me spinning in circles.  Look at my ears, and my eyes, I HAVE EYES!!!!  I'm hearing things I never heard before.  Seeing things I never saw.  The doctor is even gonna fix my jaw so I can bark again.  Oh, the dreams I have....  Thank you, nice Facebook peoples, especially my new family, Kevin and Louise. 

Your new best friend,

Tuesday, July 26, 2011


Wolfie here.  This is me in the garden.  I love the garden.  The sun makes me feel alive again.  It's washing away all the bad stuff.  My mom is so nice to me.  We just started this thing called 'walks'.  At first I didn't get it.  But now it's the highlight of the day!  West Hollywood is a crazy place.  Every time I go out I meet lots of new dogs.  And they're all rescues!  And I give them all the news and they tell me stuff, too.  Stuff like how nice their people are.  And how good safety feels.  And when they'll be here so I can see them again.  It's nice to make friends.

This is the garden angel sucking the darkness from my brain.  I'm feeling much better now.  We had a rough spell.  My mom really drove me crazy!  I couldn't tell what she wanted.  I'd pee in the house and she'd say good boy.  Then I'd pee in the house and she say, No!  Seriously, make up your mind.  She can't help it.  She's a blonde.  Blackies like me, we don't get hair-brained like that.  I forgive her.  I love her.  she saved me. 

This is me listening.  I love listening.  That and sleeping.  And curling up on my mom's lap.  It's real cozy here.  I'm finally happy. 

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

The Forgotten Dark Cage in the Back

Hi guys.  Piglet here.  I'm pink!  Ha-ha.  Aren't I cute?  All the pittys, they have this bet going that I'll be the one that's gonna make it.  In the shelter the dogs like us, we don't really have much of a chance.  But being pink, we thought maybe the families would want me.  The mean lady that worked there, she laughed and said, 'when pigs fly!'  Then she snapped this picture.  There's a little distress in my eyes, you can see it if you look close.    

Then I got ringworm on my leg.  They put me in the quarantine holding kennels, behind a chain link fence that the families had no access to.   Oh how I cried!  How would a family ever find me here?  I'm just six months old.  I wanna see the world.  I wanna feel grass.  I wanna run with the wind.  Lie in the sun.  Sniff some butt.  I'd heard these stories about the fun you can have chasing frisbees, and chewing on shoes.  How would I ever know if the stories were true if I didn't get out?

Then the most wonderful thing happened.   A rescue angel came.   Oh, she was real nice.  We played and I wiggled with happiness.  And she told me she had a family for me!!!  A family with three children, in a land far, far away called Chicago.  I was gonna fly!!!!  On a giant steel bird.  This pig was gonna fly!  Ha-ha!  I lifted my leg on the mean worker, just because I could.  You woulda done the same.  Well, maybe you wouldn't of.  Maybe you're smarter than me.

Things did not go so well from there on out.  The mean lady put me in the needle room.  She didn't tell anyone where I was.  And I guess the person at the entrance had a bad night or something because she didn't tell anyone that the rescue angel was there to get me.  I fought hard.  Until the needle went in.

It was a strange feeling.  I rose out of my body, floated around the room for a minute, then I found my way to the lobby.  And there I saw the rescue angel, her face in her hands.  She was crying.  The dying wasn't so bad, but it broke my heart to see her cry.   

I'm doing okay, really.  Tomorrow I'm gonna cross the rainbow bridge and find all my pitty friends.  I think God loves us especially the most because there are so many of us in the land beyond.  But before I go, I'm taking this one shot at loveliness and writing my story to you.  Wish me luck!  And please always remember the forgotten dark cage in the back.

Forever yours,

Thursday, July 7, 2011

I Am Humbled By Your Love

My name is Camella.  The shelter... this is me when I got there.  I was scared, but I was still my pretty self.  I wonder if I will ever be pretty again?  It feels so nice to be pretty.  I only know the word because a Mommy that loves you says that to you.   Someday I will have one like that.  I was a good girl.  A princess.  Dainty.  Polite.  And I only peed on the carpet when it was raining outside.  For obvious reasons.  My brother would make fun of me for being like that.  Oh, how I love my brother.  We got separated.  It broke my heart.  Word is he's okay and waiting for me somewhere.  Oh how I yearn to see him again!

I somehow  lost my person.  Old girls don't expect to loose their person.  I don't know what I did wrong.  Just suddenly there I was, in this awful place.  I'd heard about it on the bark-vine.  But I couldn't imagine it was a real place.  It is.  I will live to tell about it.  I refuse to die before doing one good thing for dog-kind.  Loyalty and honor are our job, and to keep our person happy.  People are so lovely.  But who are the ones who invented this strange and awful place?  The shelter.  Why do they call it that?  There is no shelter there.  It nearly ruined me.  I nearly died. 

This is me now.  I spent a week in the 24/7 hospital and a lot of nice people put their money together and saved me.  It was really a lot of money, I hope I was worth it.  I loved how much they all loved me.  Everybody should know what love feels like, and I sure do now.  And when I finally cross the rainbow bridge, I will bring all the love I have collected in my little life with me.  The world becomes a nicer place when that happens.   My big self is so happy right now.   My big 4 lb self.  He-he.  

This is me at the end of my three week stay in the shelter.  I came in at 5lbs 6oz and left at 4lbs.  Death was talking to me.  Telling me all about the rainbow bridge.  About how all the doggie beds on the other side are always clean and fluffy.  And BIG!  And about how anywhere you go there are car windows with a bright and wonderful world flying by, a beautiful breeze tickling your fur.  The food is always people food, and it actually makes your teeth clean!  It sounds like a fine and wonderful place.  But I hear my brother calling.   He's in the north country with Solange.  Solange rescued us.  I can't wait to curl up in her lap and fall asleep.  Paula is fattening me up and giving me medicines to make me strong for my journey north.  I can't wait to start my new life! 

Doggedly yours,

Friday, June 24, 2011

Look at me! I'm sleepin' like a baby!

I love my new mom.  Today we went to the vet.  I was a perfect gentleman.  The doctor said nice things about me.  I gained six pounds.  And the film on my eyes is going away.  And my diabetes is under control enough that they can fix my thyroid.  I don't know what's wrong with it.  Ireally don't know how I became such a raggedy mess, but I'm sure glad somebody loves me now.  I'm an old baby, and I'm so glad I'l get to have a nice last few years.

This is me with my Mommy, Paula.  Isn't she beautiful?  Kindness and love are the most beautiful thing in the whole wide world.  And after all the years of nobody caring about me, I actually get to be loved!!!!!  It's really exciting.

Okay.  I need my beauty rest.  G'nite.

Your friend,

Thursday, June 23, 2011

I got a name!

It's Wolfgang, as in Amadeus Mozart.  Wolfie for short.  Because I look like a wolf.  :))

Oh Happy Day!!!

Hi nice peoples!  Today is the first day of the rest of my life.  I was in Kern County Animal shelter.  It's an awful place.  Paula's rescue pulled me for Lori's rescue.  American humans are so amazing.  I mean some of them are obsessed with dumb stuff like their cell phones, but the others.... they help dogs like me live.  I am grateful.  I will try and demonstrate my gratitude by not peeing on the carpet.  It will be an effort, but I will try.  If I can remember.

I'm staying at Miss Lola's house.  She's real nice. She sang to me the whole ride home.  And she took me to target to buy a collar and leash.   I'm not going to lead her around on a leash!  It just makes no sense at all.  People are funny.

Now she's taking me to meet a clan of chiwa friends of hers.  Apparently they're fat little chiwas.  Fat is good.  It's a sign of happiness.  No one at a shelter is ever fat.  We melt away to nothing then they stick a big needle in us and we disappear.  Kinda scary. 

I don't have a name yet.  We're taking suggestions.  She named her last boy dog Ruffles, so please don't offer the girlie stuff.  She will bite at it.  and I'm already at a disadvantage because I'm so small.

Okay, bye.  Thanks.

Your friend,
soon-to-be-named.  <3

My future is uncertain

I like my new life.  I raided the garbage can the other day.  That was crazy fun.  I even got yelled at.   Getting yelled at by somebody that loves you is really nice.  I'm still struggling though.  My blind collar was a failure.  I kept getting tangled up in it.  I'm still hoping to make it to West Hollywood.  It's a dream I have, like in those movies with the big happy endings where everybody cries.  I really want a happy ending.  The failed collar was a setback.  Probably why I raided the trash can. 

We're hoping to get to donate some of my medicine.  It costs $300 / month, and it's draining my sweet Paula and her rescue.  That's bad, because then she can't save my friends in the clink.  And there are so many of us there.  

Paula pulled a little wawa the other day for Lori's rescue.  This is him.  He's four years old.  Lola is gonna name him.  Turns out he's going to my dream home in West Hollywood with Lola!  He might even get to live there forever.  Which means someday we might be brothers!  It'll be nice to have a friend to talk to.

Well anyway, thanks for reading.
~ Teddy

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Look at my new blind-boy dog collar!!!

This is my new collar!!!  Lola's friend, Rebel is modeling it.  She is going to mail it to me.  When I get it, I'll tell you if it makes me an independent dog where the rest of the pack starts to like me.  I hate being the reject.  :((

This is it without a dog in it.  It's kind of cute.  I'm stylish.  :))  The bows aren't girlie-bows, Lola added then to give it more stability so it doesn't flop around and get me hooked on things.  Wish me luck!!  I really, really want to feel free like the other house-babies.  Being alone makes me sad. 

Your Friend,


I howl.  Apparently people don't like that so much.  My new mom is gonna make me a special collar with long whiskers so I can feel the world around me.  Maybe then I won't feel so alone when she leaves me, and maybe then the other dogs will want to be my friend.   She says she's gonna make it real cute.  Oh God, please don't let her make me look like a girl!! 

Oh boy, this is real good news.  I'm going on a day trip to West Hollywood.  It's a day trip because apparently you aren't allowed to howl in West Hollywood, and if I howl, I can't stay.  I don't howl to be pretty.  I just -- it's the blind thing.  It's all black, everything.  And if I move, it all bumps into me.  Or else it's just forever space with no end.  The light and the dark are all one thing.  And nobody likes me except my mom.  I'm not sure anyone can even see me except her!  Like maybe I'm INVISIBLE!  My mom's gonna put little bells on everyone so I can hear who's around.  I like that idea.

Anyway, I'll post a picture of my new collar soon as I get it.  Unless it's all girly-looking.  Then I'll just pee on it.


Monday, June 13, 2011

Gravy Makes the World Go Round

Right now we must eat more food with gravy.  Because we won't get gravy anyplace else.  And times are tough.  And the cliches are right -- gravy conquers all, gravy is a many splendored thing -- all you need is gravy.  Oh boy do I love gravy.  So find someone who loves you and smother them with gravy.  That's this dog's advise.  

This is my friend, Louie.  Can you believe it?  This was the sell shot they took at the pound.  Idiots!  He hated this picture.  Or maybe he just hated the fear.  Or maybe it was the pain from all the foxtails biting into his skin and his ears.   Or maybe just that someone who he thought gravied him a lot left him on the side of the road.  Louie 'n me were rescued the same day.  It was a heavenly day.  Paula took us to Jack in the Box and fed us hamburgers.   Then Louie got flown up to Muttville, and I got to live with Paula.  Muttville is amazing.  They only rescue old dogs like us.

This is Louie today.  Look at that face!  Boy comfort and safety sure are nice.  I'd like to talk to him, tell him how happy I am.  See if he gets scared too when the lights go out and nobody is there.  For me the lights are always out.  It's a blind thing.  But I'm gonna be okay.  I'm gonna get my halo, and then I'll be able to get around like a normal dog.  Can't wait to tell you all about it!!!

Much gravy,

Saturday, June 11, 2011

There's a Face for Radio

My mom thinks I'm beautiful.  It's true,  I'm looking pretty spiffy now.  But not in this picture, oh boy.  It was taken my last day inside.  You know what it's like?  Like you're alone.  The walls and floor are cold.  There's terrible sounds, all echoing at once.  And you get so scared, you turn hollow inside.  So hollow, you can feel your blood slowly stopping.  It's kind of a buzzing sensation.

This is me the day after I got out.  I think I must be handsome.  All the voices sound happy like the ones that took home all the pretty furbabies in the pound.  I wonder why they call it pound?  Maybe they sell off all the dead bodies by the pound.  Just a thought.

This is me listening to my CD's.  I'm starting to have favorites.

My First Post

Hi.  My name is Teddy.  I'm from Bakersfield, CA.   That's what they tell me.  I forget where I'm from.  The power to forget is sometimes a gift.

I'm a dog.  One of the lucky ones.  I got to live.  I was in the clink and this really nice lady named Paula got me out.  She said my picture was on Facebook and it got 653 posts!  Wow!  Nobody ever loved me like that before.  Ever. 

I can't even describe how magical Paula is.  She took me to a lovely spa that cut the clusters of grease from my hair and made me smell nice.  Oh boy, did I smell bad before that.  I don't know how she even wanted me.  I was ugly, pathetic, sick, blind. 

After she made  me clean, she took me to a doctor person who talked to me real sweet.  It had been so long since I heard sweet words.  In the big house you just hear your friends crying, and stories of the room with the needle in it. And then your friends disappear, and you hope they got out instead of getting needled.  But you never know...

I was feeling extremely beautiful by this point.  But the doctor person did not have good news.  I had something called diabetes.  And it was peaking at the 400 level.  I don't know what that means, but it made my sweet Paula frown, and it's my job to keep that from happening.  I have yearned my whole life for a person I could make smile.  So I let her stick the pins in me to fix this thing.  It hurts a little, but it makes her smile, so I go along with it. 

Her dogs don't like me.  It's not their fault.  It's because I'm blind.  My head leads the way and I'm always bumping it into things.  Paula's friend, Lola, is going to make me a halo that will bump into the world before i do.  It will be nice.  

My thoughts are on my forever home with Lola.  She lives in a place called West Hollywood, dog haven of the world!  Paula tells me all about her.  She wrote me a song.  It's the prettiest song.  Paula sings it to me all the time now.  And she's telling Lola how to stick the pins in me.  I guess it's a human ritual.  I'm going along with it.  It's my job. 

Well, that's it for now.  I'll keep talking to you.  About my mom, Paula and my journey to my new home with Lola.  About being blind.  And about being unwanted.  Most of all about my friends still in the stoney lonesome.  It's an awful place.  We hide in the corner and pray for help.  The young & pretty ones have a good shot of getting out.  Ones like me.. we pray for angels.  There are so many of them out there.  I think people are so beautiful.  Their kindness looks exactly like God.

Your friend,